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 PRM-W1   PRM-W3 

PRM-B++ Electronic Board

Improved substitute for industry standard savitec B (BETA)
Electronic control board pin to pin compatible with original electronic Savitec B (BETA) board
Low cost

Existing Features
Control board for three phase six poles AC motor
Speed adjustment by frequency and voltage modulation
PWM systems
Board supply voltage: 48 V/DC

New Features
Microprocessor control logic (microcontroller)
New high performance automatic speed adjusting algorithm
Typical automatic speed adjusting time: less than 3 sec. (on speed doubling or halving)
Special programming features on demand
Cooler working temperature (over 10°C less than original)

Four Programs
Programs 1 and 2 switch selected as original electronic savitec B board, with the same features of the original control.

Programs 3 and 4 with new improved features: program 3 and program 4 features may also be adapted to specific needs on demand.

Standard Program 3
Max speed: 900 m/min.
Typical speed: 700 m/min.
Typical supply: 50W-700m/min
Max freq.: 120 Hz
Start up time 0-1000rpm: 0.20 s
Stop time 1000-0rpm: 0.25 s

Standard Program 4
Max speed: 1600 m/min.
Typical speed: 1400 m/min.
Typical supply: 100W-1400m/min
Max freq.: 200 Hz
Start up time 0-1000rpm: 0.10 s
Stop time 1000-0rpm: 0.12 s

Contact us for further informations

Advance Information
This produt is under development. All information in this data sheet is preliminary and subject to change

PRM-B Plus
 PRM-W1   PRM-W3 

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